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The RoboTrombo is a MIDI-controlled robotic trombone

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The RoboTrombo is a MIDI-controlled robotic trombone

Arduino TeamDecember 29th, 2020

Inspired by Wintergatan’s Martin Molin, iSax set out to create a MIDi-controlled robotic trombone of his own. Although the aptly named RoboTrombo may not replace professional trombone players anytime soon, it’s nonetheless an impressive musical hack.

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The instrument is controlled by an Arduino Nano running Firmata, along with a host computer, and employs a variety of pneumatic and electrical actuators to produce the tunes.

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When played, air flows through the mouthpiece via artificial lips, and turned on and off with a trumpet valve and servo. The lips can be manipulated for different sounds using a stepper motor setup. A slide mechanism is driven by a pneumatic actuator, with a linkage system that pushes it in and out, and a potentiometer provides positional feedback.

While it can’t reliably play songs on command, it’s a very entertaining project that makes a bunch of fun semi-random noises! More details on the design and construction of the RoboTrombo can be found in PDF form on iSax’s Hackaday page.

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Written by Quad Oner


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